All images, logos, brands are trademark and belong to the respective owners.
Payment Method
For local buyers please bank in to my Maybank account below using ATM or M2U. Then email to me your order details such as your name, address, contact info, item name or code and quantity.
For international please pay via PayPal only. First you need to do is email to me your order details such as name, address, contact info, item name or code and quantity. Then I will send an invoice to your PayPal account. After that if you agree you just pay the invoice to complete the transaction. This method is for safety and smooth transaction and to avoid any problems with PayPal.
Maybank Acoount
162115844020 - Muhamed HardyPayPal Address
Shipping Method
We ship to worldwide accept Israel, France and Italy due to customs issue. Shipping takes within 2-3 weeks depend on some situations, locations and customs declaration. Some time it takes until 4 weeks because of Holiday season such as Christmas, Chinese New Years and etc. We not responsible with customs tax on your country (if any).Please be patient awaiting the shipment. Your patience is greatly appreciate.
Return And Other Policies
Buy With Confidence. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back!Buy and try it first. If you not satisfy, please contact me within 7 days from purchasing and we will resolve any problem until you happy.